Thursday, November 15, 2007

cell phone jammers

It is annoying hearing somebody else talk on a cell phone in public. I don't want to hear half of their conversation. I don't mind short conversations, long and loud ones bother me. I don't think people should use jammers though. If there is some kind of emergency within the area that is being blocked a person couldn't call for help. People should relize when and where to use a cell phone. They are aware of their surroundings and not were it would bother people. Leaving a room to talk on the phone affects one person but using a cell phone jammer affects everybody in that area.

Monday, November 12, 2007

what is a blog?

A blog can be many different things. A blog can be place where somebody puts their own thoughts about different things that are going on in the world today. They could make that blog a disscusion forum for other people show thier thoughts on those subjects. Blogs can be spaces to have disscussions wit people from all around the world and to see what their views are and if they are different then their own. People have blogs that they can talk to their freinds on. Peoplcan become famous for the things they say on their blogs. Teachers can use blogs for their classes as away to discuus topics outside of class for homework. Blogs are different from other forms of communication because you can agreee or disagree with people you don't know or even people you do know. You never have to meet them you can share your opinion and thats it.

college essay

College essay's are important because it is the one thing that seperates you from every other person applying to that same college. The person reading it can get a sense of what type of person you are from what you put in it. SATs and your grades show how well you have done in school but they do not what you are really like. The essay can't be very long or drag on about a subject that isn't interesting or that will help the reader understand who you are.