Wednesday, January 9, 2008


"I am not a role model," said Charles Barkley in a famous commercial for Nike. "I am not paid to be a role model." He is right. He was paid to do what he did best and that was play basketball. That goes for all athletes. They are payed to play their sport not to be a model citizens. When they accept the role of professional athlete they suddenly become some kids' idol and people want to be like them. But should these people be idolized for using steroids or partying all night at clubs and then getting arrested.The athletes who do things like that should not be. But athletes who spend time at charity events and help victims of hurricanes and forest fires should be idolized. That is what a public figure is supposed act like. They are supposed to set a good example for their fans.People don't look up to athletes for what they do off the field they look up to them for what they do on the field. They are the best athletes in the world and people wish they could do what those athletes can. But the main reason people look up to athletes is because they are very rich and seem to have perfect lives.

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